What’s Up With Fad Diets?
Kourtney Kardashian/Instagram
Greetings Friends!
Confession time - have you ever tried a wacky celebrity diet? Or hoped that by eating just like Gwyneth you will finally have found all the answers to a perfect diet that works? I tried a few of them when I was in my teens. Having a large following and a platform of fame gives celebrities an audience for their sometimes hair-brained and bizarre nutrition-related notions. Unfortunately, some of these notions can be downright dangerous.
For parents with teenagers, it's especially important to be aware of the celebrity role models their adolescents admire. Teens are particularly vulnerable to the lure of fad diets especially when they are supported by a favorite celebrity. It's important to help teens evaluate the safety and sensibility of a nutrition lifestyle to make sure that they aren't missing out on vital nutrients during this essential period of growth and development.
I was interviewed as a nutrition expert recently for an article in Insider Magazine examining the safety and legitimacy of Kourtney Kardashian's "detox diet." My nutrition hackles get raised every time I hear the word "detox diet." Even the idea of a "detox diet" is a massive misconception. Happily, our bodies are well equipped to get rid of toxins, no matter what we eat. It's a myth that we suffer from a build up of toxins in our liver and kidneys. These organs are quite capable of detoxing our systems on their own. Yet people still get really excited about and attached to the idea of cleansing their systems from the inside out.
Apparently, Kourtney's doctor found elevated levels of mercury and lead in her system which kicked off her interest in following a "detox diet." However, her dinners on this diet include fish more often than twice per week. Which is an odd choice if you're trying to reduce the level of mercury in your system. Read the full article.
Frankly, the only type of "detox diet" that may actually help improve health is one that reduces heavily processed foods that are high in sugar, saturated or trans fat and sodium, possibly alcohol. But I wouldn't call this a "detox diet," I'd just call it eating more sensibly. In any case, how to define a "detox diet" is a great topic of conversation for teens and a learning opportunity that can help set them up for lifelong healthy eating.
Another trending fad diet you may be hearing about is called the OMAD diet, which stands for "One Meal A Day." If you’re interested, check out what I had to say about it in this Reader's Digest article. OMAD is an extreme form of intermittent fasting. Whereas a typical intermittent fasting diet schedule is 16:8 (aka a window of 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating), OMAD allows for only 1 meal per day and involves all sorts of wacky rules:
The meal must be eaten within 1 hour, during the same 4-hour time period each day
The meal must be eaten on a standard 11-inch dinner plate
Food can be piled no more than 3 inches high on the plate
No foods are off limits.
I definitely don’t recommend it - here are 3 reasons why:
Extreme fasting diets like this are unlikely to provide a wide enough range and adequate amount of nutrients, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and negative health effects..
It’s too restrictive and difficult to maintain as a long-term lifestyle, which means that rebound weight gain is likely. Yikes.
Such extreme restrictions are likely to foster an unhealthy focus on and relationship with food, which can significantly reduce overall quality of life.
It’s important to mention that there is compelling evidence that intermittent fasting in general (with a gentler 16:8 schedule) may offer some health benefits for some people, which include weight loss, improved blood sugar regulation and prevention of some chronic diseases. However, the science isn’t settled yet as the research is still emerging. In any case, it’s important to consult with a registered dietitian and doctor before initiating any radical changes in the diet, to ensure that any changes you make are safe for you and your body.
Bottom line – “detox diets” don’t work! If weight loss is a goal, adopting healthier habits that you can sustain as a lifestyle is the way to go.
The larger overall takeaway is that we need to be careful about where we get our nutrition guidance and information. There is a staggering amount of misinformation out there, and a concerning number of people put their nutritional health in the hands of a celebrity like Kourtney, rather than a trained registered dietitian nutritionist.
For more background and information on detox diets, check out this post: Should You Be Detoxing?
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