Baby-Led Feeding 12-Week Meal Plan


Reduce the risk of food allergies & ditch the overwhelm of starting solids...

Here's what's inside:

  • A clear, complete roadmap to the first 12 weeks of your baby's feeding journey into solids foods

  • Guidance on how, when and how often to offer the top 9 allergens 

  • Advice on food texture and sizing for all foods included in the meal plans

  • Original recipes that work not only for your baby, but also for the entire family

  • Thoughtfully balanced meal suggestions that provide the nutrients babies need to thrive and grow 

  • A complete plan that keeps top allergens in baby's diet 2-3x per week once introduced and tolerated 

Note: I designed this guide to make it easy, doable, and tasty to introduce all 9 top allergenic foods to babies at low-risk for food allergies within the first 3 months of feeding. 

If your baby is at moderate or high risk for food allergies, talk to your pediatrician or allergist about an alternative plan for allergen introduction. 

You may still be able to use this guide (or parts of it), but will need to do so in conversation with your healthcare team.

xo Malina

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