Baby girl with bib

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As a mom of three girls all born within about 3 ½ years of each other, I must admit that I struggled a lot with mealtimes messes when my girls were babies. Hands down, the one feeding item that made mealtime clean-up easier than any other was a good baby-led weaning bib. If you’re looking for a way to make feeding comfortable for your baby and a little easier on yourself, baby-led weaning bibs are a great tool to keep on hand.

 In case you are unfamiliar, baby-led weaning (BLW) is an alternative method of infant feeding that skips over the passive spoon-feeding of purees. Instead, this approach fosters independence by allowing a baby to self-feed. Solids are introduced via finger foods from the family table, starting around six months when signs of developmental readiness for solid foods are present. 

As a pediatric dietitian specializing in infant feeding, I’m a huge fan of baby-led weaning as a way to introduce babies to solids. If you’re interested in learning more about BLW, you’ll find lots of information in the article “How to Get Started with Baby-Led Weaning.” 

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about the best baby-led weaning bibs for your baby.

What to Look for in a Bib for Babies Eating Solid Foods 

Baby boy with green bib and avocado on face

What type of bib is best for your baby? It depends. If your little one has a strong gag reflex and sometimes vomits during meals, a sturdy pocket that catches the food is a must-have (I cannot tell you how many times the Baby Bjorn* bibs saved me from cleaning up vomit when my middle daughter was a baby). 

If you have a baby who doesn’t like to feel restricted, an adjustable, minimal-coverage bib may be a good fit. Bottom line - there is no one-size-fits-all approach to baby bib buying. 

Are Bibs Necessary During Baby-Led Weaning?

When a baby is ready to transition to solid foods, life can get quite messy, and having the right accessories can definitely help. 

While bibs are not necessary, they can help prevent stains on clothes, excessive laundry cycles, messy floors, and dirty chairs. 

The act of putting on a bib can also serve as part of a sweet mealtime routine that signals the arrival of food and helps empower babies in their food environment. 

Are Bibs Safe During Baby-Led Weaning?

Bibs are safe to use during baby-led weaning as long as safe-feeding practices are followed. It goes without saying, but staying close by and supervising during meals is essential. 

It’s wise from a safety perspective to avoid bibs that attach fully to a high chair because, in the event of a choking episode, these types of bibs make it harder to remove the child from the chair to administer first aid.

Bibs that are too stiff or tight around the neck can also be uncomfortable and restrictive. 

Baby girl with yellow bib and messy food on face

At What Age Can Babies Start Wearing Baby-Led Weaning Bibs?

Baby-led weaning bibs are recommended for use when your baby is ready to start solids. According to the majority of health organizations, including the AAP, WHO, UNICEF, and AND, most babies should start solids at about 6 months of age, when they are showing signs of developmental readiness for complementary foods. 

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Bibs for Babies:


Your baby’s bib should be comfortable so that your baby can focus on learning how to eat. The best bibs are lightweight and allow babies to move freely. An adjustable neckline is helpful for comfort and allows the bib to grow with your baby.


baby boy with blue bib eating broccoli

Avoid any bib that is too tight or too stiff around the neck. The bib should fit well enough that food doesn’t fall easily into the neck space, but it should not be overly snug. Look for bibs made from a safe material like food-grade silicone or waterproof fabrics such as Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and Polyurethane Laminate (PUL) which laminate polyester.


Consider snaps and closures that are easy to assemble. Materials that are easy to clean and wipe off are helpful when it comes to reducing laundry.  When my girls were young, my favorites were silicone bibs that I could pop right into the dishwasher after meals. If you find an affordable bib you like, buy a few to have on hand for home, on the go, and daycare. 


What makes a bib effective varies from parent to parent and baby to baby. You might want to minimize floor mess or vomit mess, in which case a pocket is necessary. Or it may be more important to you that your baby’s clothes stay clean, in which case a long sleeve cover-all bib might be best. If a stain-resistant bib is your thing, silicone will be key. Read below to see my top choices in each category.

Top 10 Best Bibs for Baby-Led Weaning:

1. *Bumpkin Sleeved Bib

Features: Unisex, lightweight, waterproof, adjustable tie-neck, soft pocket, long-sleeve

Why you’ll love it: You’ll love this for your messy eater. It protects all the clothes! 

2. *Tiny Twinkle Mess-Proof Baby Apron

Features: Stylish, lightweight, soft pocket, travel-friendly, tug-proof velcro closures

Why you’ll love it: Easy to use, and your baby cannot remove this bib mid-feeding. 

3. *BapronBaby 

Features: Eco-friendly materials, waterproof, fun patterns

Why you’ll love it: You’ll love this bib-apron that ties around the body, rather than the neck, for a comfy fit!

4. *PandaEar Silicone Bib

Features: Sturdy pocket, soft food-grade silicone, affordable, adjustable  

Why you’ll love it: This bib is perfect for catching food -- and it is dishwasher-safe!


5. *Green Sprouts Easy-wear Long Sleeve Bib 

Features:  Snaps on and off, silicone food pocket with an interchangeable cloth top, waterproof

Why you’ll love it: Love that this waterproof baby bib rolls up and snaps after use as a way to store utensils or small snacks in the pocket while on-the-go.

6. *Tiny Twinkle Mess-Proof, Tug-Proof Closure Bibs

Features:  Tug-proof closure, waterproof, affordable 2-pack, soft pocket, solid colors

Why you’ll love it: These bibs are fantastic - they come in 2 sizes, fit well, wash well, and dry quickly. 

7. *BabyBjorn Baby Bib 2-Pack

Features: Deep pocket, soft adjustable neckband, dishwasher safe

Why you’ll love it: These bibs are high-quality, sturdy, and catch all the food! Plus, with the adjustable collar, they adjust as your baby grows. These were my go-to bibs when my girls were babies.

8. *Tiny Twinkle Silicone Pocket Bib

Features:  Food-grade silicone pocket, cloth top, boy/girl options, velcro closure, foldable

Why you’ll love it: Offered in various colors and patterns, these are another excellent option for the sturdier silicone pocket with a soft top. 

9. *Little Growers Baby-Splat Mat and Long Sleeve Bib

Features: Washable floor mat included, non-slip backing, waterproof, portable

Why you’ll love it: This mat and bib duo can double as the perfect craft-time setup at home or on the go. 


10. *Tiny Twinkle Mess-Proof Baby Bib

Features: Soft pocket, variety of colors/patterns, recycled fabric, the pocket snaps close for on-the-go

Why you’ll love it: These fold up well, stay in good shape, and last forever! Tip: Darker colors work best for stain prevention.

If you’re getting ready to start your baby on solids, download my FREE Baby-Led Feeding Essential Checklist to make sure you have everything you need to get started. You might also want to check out my online course for parents, based on my best-selling book which will walk you through the whole process of starting solids using a baby-led approach.

Alternatively, if your baby is almost ready to start solids and you’re looking for someone you trust to map out the entire first 12 weeks of your baby’s solid food feeding journey, check out my Safe & Simple 12 Week Meal Plan! Over 30 recipes, weekly shopping lists, tons of balanced baby meals, a complete plan for top allergen introduction, & lots of guidance (with photos) on how to safely serve each food.

And if you're looking for personalized nutrition support for your babies or kids, I am currently accepting new clients in my virtual private practice. Looking forward to meeting you online…

Thank you to my Dietetic Intern, Brittney Sito for her contributions to this blog post!


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